Deep-C R/V Bellows Shelf Sampling Cruise: September 14-16, 2013 -- Ever wonder what a research cruise is like? Watch this short video taken during a recent Shelf Sampling Cruise. Watch the video...

Deep-C's Ocean Science Educator Amelia Vaughan floats a teaching idea about neutral buoyancy and density. She demonstrates a classroom project that can be used to explore and describe the densities of various materials through measurement of their masses and volumes. Watch now...

Wonder where and at what rate does oil leak out of the ocean floor? Deep-C graduate student Caroline Johansen helps you immerse yourself in science and math to find out about oil seeps. Watch now...
"Creatures of the Deep" -- In the cold, deep waters of the Gulf of Mexico, little-known animals spend their entire lives far removed from our human world. Until now, little research has been conducted on these creatures of the deep, keeping much of their lives a mystery. Watch the video...

Deep-C graduate student Caroline Johansen discusses how she is using volume formulas to look at and measure how oil and gas seep through the sediments up into the water column in the Gulf of Mexico. Watch now...

Need an idea for teaching about the environment and oil spills? This one is pretty slick. Deep-C Ocean Educator Amelia Vaughan demonstrates an activity that involves making an oil spill kit and creating a mock model of an oil spill. The activity introduces some of the methods used and demonstrates how difficult it is to clean up an oil spill. Watch now...
The SailBuoy Project -- Watch as a team from Deep-C launches the SailBuoy in the Gulf of Mexico. It is self-powered, wind-propelled, and navigates the ocean autonomously. It will measure seawater parameters to help scientists better understand how particles and dissolved substances (such as oil) as transported from the deep Gulf. Read more...

Deep-C biologist DR. Dean Grubbs will brighten your day with a discussion on colorful (or not) physiological adaptations by marine organisms to ocean lighting. Watch now...

Sink into science as Deep-C biologist Dr. Dean Grubbs floats a few thoughts about physiological adaptations by marine organisms to ocean pressures under the surface. Watch now...
An overview of the Research Experience for Undergraduates program sponsored by the Deep-C Consortium in the Summer of 2012. Read more...
Deep-C was a four-year, interdisciplinary study of deep sea to coast connectivity in the northeastern Gulf of Mexico.Deep-C is no longer an active research project. The information on this website is for historical reference purposes only.
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This research was made possible by a grant fromThe Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative (GoMRI).
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